Choosing a western saddle can be confusing and intimidating, but it's important to get the right fit for your horse. You want to make sure that the saddle sits comfortably on your horse, but also leaves enough room between his shoulders and the tree so you can easily manage him. The right fit is also key if you plan on riding long distance or competing at an event like the Grand National Steeplechase or Australian National Horse Trials, where it's essential that your horse has plenty of room and freedom of motion when he's bucking along with hundreds of other riders! So how do you pick out a good fit? Read on.

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Measure your horse for saddle fit.

To get the best fit, you'll need to measure your horse for saddle fit. Your first step will be to determine how tall your horse is and where she stands in relation to his body. Then, you'll want to measure from the top of his shoulders down through each leg (right side up), then left side up and across the withers area as shown below:

-Measure from the top of your horse's shoulders down through each leg (right side up), then left side up and across the withers area. -Take this measurement, divide by 3.5 to get a rough estimate of how long your saddle should be

Choose a saddle that fits your riding needs.

When choosing the best fitting western saddle, you need to consider a few things.

First, what kind of riding do you plan to do? Are you going to be using it primarily for trails or cross country? What kind of horse will be carrying your weight? Do you want more padding and stability in the seat area so that it won't hurt when sitting on top of your horse's back or do you want something lighter and more flexible that might allow for more movement during different gaits? These questions will help determine which type of saddle will work best for both yourself and your horse.

Second, how much money are willing to spend on this purchase? If someone is looking at spending $500-$1,000 on a new western saddle then they should get one made by Zippered Leathers since they offer high quality products at reasonable prices (less than $300). However if someone has special needs such as needing extra support or having an injured leg then there may not be any value added by paying extra money; instead they should look into buying used ones from Craigslist or eBay which usually sell out quickly due their popularity among breeders/owners who use them regularly while competing at rodeos throughout North America every weekend during summer months--this means finding one quickly before someone else buys it away from under our nose!

Third, what type of horse do you plan on using the saddle with? If someone is looking at purchasing a saddle for their first horse then they may want one that will be used by multiple people in the future and therefore want something that doesn't cost much money. In this case they should look into buying used ones from Craigslist or eBay which usually sell out quickly due their popularity among breeders/owners who use them regularly while competing at rodeos throughout North America every weekend during summer months--this means finding one quickly before someone else buys it away from under our nose!

Consider the type of saddle tree.

To help you find the best saddle for your horse, it’s important to consider the type of tree. There are three main types of trees: regular, split and narrow.

Regular Tree: A regular tree is a single piece of wood from which your saddle is made. It has no branches or forks that can break off when hit by rocks or thorns in the pasture (or when your horse steps on them). You should avoid a regular tree if you want to prevent any damage that might occur during use.

Split Tree: A split tree has two pieces joined together with a grove where they meet at an angle (split). The advantage here is that there are no sharp edges on either side—you won't have as much concern about splinters getting into their pads! However, this may make it harder for someone who wants their horse's pads cleaned regularly because they'll need more time removing pieces after grooming sessions end each day."

Consider the bars on a western saddle.

You also need to consider the bars on a western saddle. The width of the bars is important for several reasons:

  • It should be wide enough so that your legs don't get pinched when you sit down.
  • It should be at least an inch larger than the width of your hips, and 1-2 inches wider than the widest part of your hips.
  • The leather used for the saddle has an important effect on how comfortable it is and how stable it feels when riding.
  • Generally speaking, you want to avoid thin or thick bars as they can make it difficult to sit comfortably in your seat without having too much pressure against your backside or thighs (which can lead to pain).

Check out the cantle on the western saddles you are considering.

The cantle is the back part of your Western saddle. It should be high enough to support your hips, but not so high that it causes discomfort in other areas of your body. To check how high or low a particular saddle's cantle is, stand next to it and look for its center line. This is where your spine would rest if you were sitting on the horse (or pony). If this line ends up being too far away from where you need it—maybe even lower than where your hips are—then consider another model that has a higher or lower center line.

If a saddle has a low cantle (wherever this might be), then make sure that it doesn't put undue stress on your shoulders by sitting too close together when mounted up on an animal with powerful hindquarters like those found in many breeds of pony or horse!

Make sure you like your horn.

When it comes to the horn, there’s a lot of factors that you need to consider. The right length is important because you want the saddle to be comfortable when sitting on it and also have enough room for your legs to move around freely. If the horn is too short or long, then it could cause discomfort in certain areas of your body when riding horses.

Also consider how much padding there is on the inside of each side panel depending on how much weight you plan on carrying while riding horses (if at all). Finally, make sure there are no cracks or sores on either side panel because they could lead towards blistering from rubbing against one another over time which would mean having sore feet after every ride!

Pick a style you like.

The first thing to look for when choosing a western saddle is a style that you like. There are many different styles and designs available, but not every one of them will fit your horse or the way you ride. Make sure the style works for both you and your horse by looking at how it looks on YouTube videos or in catalogues. You can also try out different styles so that when you find one that appeals to both of you, it'll be easier for both of use!

If possible, try riding in each type before making any decisions about which style might work best for each person involved (namely: yourself). Riding in a saddle gives riders an opportunity to test out all sorts of different features without worrying about whether or not they'll actually fit into their lives once purchased later down the road."

You might also want to consider the price of western saddles. Prices can range from $100 all the way up to $10,000 depending on what type of materials and design you choose.

If you follow these guidelines, you will find the right fit for you and your horse

The best way to find the perfect saddle is by following these tips:

  • Do your research. Check out reviews and ask other riders if they've had success with a particular brand or model of saddle. You can also try visiting local tack shops, where you may be able to try different saddles on just for fun before committing to anything larger than a half-sized one (which is often enough).
  • Measure yourself first! If possible, measure yourself at home with clothing on (so no shoes), then measure again after removing all items but just one layer such as socks or pants—the difference between these two measurements will give you an idea about how much room you'll need in order for both rider AND horse's comfort levels remain intact throughout riding sessions; if possible record both sets of measurements when doing this because they may differ slightly due to differences between brands' sizing policies - if so just make sure they're within +/- 2 inches across boarders though.

Once you have a general idea about your body measurements, it's time to head down to the tack shop. There are a few different types of saddles available on the market today but there are two main styles that most people use: English or Western.

English saddles are designed for jumping and dressage, while Western saddles are meant for trail riding or racing.


In this article we have covered the basics of western saddle fit and how to choose one that is right for your needs. There are many different styles available now, from traditional to modern, and it is important that you consider all of these factors before making a purchase decision. Hopefully by following our guidelines you will be able to find the perfect fit for both yourself and your horse!

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